3 Reasons to Work with a Trusted HVAC Company

Let Dunes Heating & Air Conditioning Take Care of Your HVAC Needs  Not all HVAC contractors in the Mount Pleasant, SC, area deliver the same Quality service. We know how difficult it can be to find the right one for your home. It takes a lot of research into the...

5 Common Heating or Furnace Repairs Explained

During the cold winter months, many homeowners scramble to find a reputable Mount Pleasant SC heating and air company to repair their furnace, Heat pump or HVAC system. And while the possibilities of what’s broken are virtually endless, there are some common problems...

Why Is My Air Conditioner Running Constantly?

During Mount Pleasant summer, most people find it’s fairly common for their air conditioners to run frequently throughout the day. However, does it seem like your AC is running more often than it should? It’s worth investigating to make sure that you won’t end up with...

The Problem With a Refrigerant Leak

No one enjoys discovering a leak in the home. But what if the leak is coming from your air conditioner? It might not seem like as big of a deal as a pipe leak but it is still a big problem. Depending on the type of system you have and where the leak is, your...

When an Air Conditioner is Not Cooling

There are a few things you can look into when your air conditioner is not cooling the house as expected. This way, you might be able to figure out a possible reason before calling for professional help. Here are the most common causes of Air conditioning failure:...

Beat the Sweltering Summers

  The city of Mount Pleasant SC is an absolute delight for tourists as well as residents. Leaving the attraction part, the tropical weather out here is as hard as it gets. From June till the month of October the average temperature in Mount Pleasant SC varies...

Summer Is On!

For all heating and air conditioning needs in your house or place of business. Located in Mount Pleasant Sc, Charleston SC and Isle of Palms SC. Call Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning LLC. Affordable installations and same-day repairs!