Jul 1, 2023

If you’re currently reading this while sweating buckets on your couch in the Mount Pleasant SC heat, the answer is pretty clear. You shouldn’t have to be drenched in sweat to know that your AC isn’t working properly. Want to know what you can do to catch these air conditioner repairs early? Keep reading to see the signs with the help of Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning LLC !

Signs Your AC Needs Repair In Mount Pleasant and Daniel Island South Carolina!

While sometimes it’s obvious that your system needs repair, other times the signs are more subtle. Here are some of the most common signs that your AC system may need to be repaired and what causes these issues.

Sudden Rise In Your Home Utility Costs

If your energy bill has spiked recently, it may be because your air conditioner needs to be repaired. Broken parts cause your air conditioner to run inefficiently, which requires your whole system to work harder. When your system works harder, energy consumption rises dramatically during Mount Pleasant Summer!

AC Making Strange Loud Noises

More times than not, if it sounds like anything other than air flowing through a vent, it’s not a good sign. Sounds like metal grinding, buzzing or squealing can be signs of serious issues of your system that should be addressed by an HVAC technician as soon as possible. Some of these sounds can be signifiers of electrical malfunctions that pose a fire risk in your home.