How Can I Lower My Home’s Humidity? Expert Tips from Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning

Sep 22, 2023

High humidity in your home can be uncomfortable and even damaging to your property. It can lead to problems like mold growth, musty odors, and even health issues. But fear not; there are several effective ways to lower your home’s humidity and create a more comfortable living environment.

In this blog, Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning will guide you through effectively reducing humidity in your home.

Understanding Humidity

Before we dive into the methods to lower humidity, let’s understand what humidity is. Humidity is the amount of moisture present in the air. It’s usually measured as a percentage, with 100% representing air saturated with moisture. In your home, humidity levels should ideally be between 30% and 50% for optimal comfort and health.

Signs of High Humidity

Recognizing the signs of high humidity in your home is crucial for addressing the issue. Here are some common indicators:

  1. Condensation: Water droplets forming on windows, mirrors, or cold surfaces.
  2. Musty Odors: A moldy or damp smell in your home.
  3. Mold and Mildew: Visible mold growth on walls, ceilings, or corners.
  4. Allergies and Respiratory Issues: High humidity can exacerbate allergies and respiratory problems.

Tips to Lower Home Humidity

Now that you know the signs, let’s explore effective ways to reduce humidity in your home.

Use Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers are excellent tools for lowering humidity levels. They work by pulling moisture from the air and collecting it in a reservoir. Place them in problem areas like basements, bathrooms, or any room with excessive moisture.


Proper ventilation is key to maintaining healthy humidity levels. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to expel moist air outside. Additionally, consider using an attic fan or opening windows on dry, breezy days to allow fresh air to circulate.

Repair Leaks

Inspect your home for leaks in the roof, walls, or plumbing. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent excess moisture from entering your South Carolina home.

Seal Windows and Doors

Check for gaps and cracks in your windows and doors, especially in older homes. Seal them with weatherstripping or caulk to prevent humid outdoor air from seeping in.

Use Air Conditioning

HVAC systems don’t just cool your home but also dehumidify the air. Ensure your HVAC system is correctly sized for your home, as undersized HVAC units may not remove moisture as effectively as an appropriately sized cooling system.

Alternatively, having an oversized air conditioner in a small space can increase humidity as it cools the area quickly, turning on and off without removing humidity.


Some houseplants, such as snake and spider plants, can help absorb excess moisture from the air. Place them strategically throughout your home to aid in humidity control.

Reduce Cooking and Shower Times

Limit the time you cook without proper ventilation, and take shorter showers to reduce indoor humidity.

Monitor Humidity

Invest in a hygrometer to keep track of humidity levels in different areas of your home. This will help you identify problem areas and track the effectiveness of your efforts.

When it comes to air quality and HVAC maintenance in Mount Pleasant, Isle of Palms, and Beyond–the dedicated HVAC contractor team at Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning ensures great service at a very fair price.

High humidity in your home can lead to various issues, but these practical tips from Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning will allow you to take control of your indoor environment. Remember, maintaining the proper humidity level is essential for your well-being and the longevity of your home. If you’re uncertain about how to proceed or need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Dunes Heating and Air Conditioning for expert guidance and solutions.

Providing AC installation in Charleston, SC, Mount Pleasant, and beyond, let us help you achieve a happier, healthier, more comfortable living space. Contact us today to learn more.